京の和雑貨 鬼塾 〜Japanese style miscellaneous goods " ONIJUKU" 〜

      京の町家といえば、瓦屋根に畳の間...  そんなイメージから生まれた「鬼塾」の和雑貨。
  「鍾馗さん」をお部屋や、お庭のアクセントに...  「畳表」と「縁」を使った雑貨で、装いに和テイストをプラスして...

Thinking of a MACHIYA house in Kyoto "a roof tile " " a tatami mat room".
Japanese -style miscellaneous goods of "ONIJUKU" which came out of such an image.
It is..for an accent of a room or garden in "SHOUKI-SAN" that I use the "ridge end tile".
I add a taste of the Japanese to miscellaneous goods in which I use a special tatami facing
"TATAMI OMOTE" and tatami edging "TATAMI BERI for a classic handleand it is a ....


The theme of ONIJUKU 〜The life that adopted Japanese style We suggest a tatami  mat bag and miscellaneous goods and a unique tile.

 『鬼 塾』 の畳製品



                    Tatami mat product of ONIJUKU.
Originally not a conventional rush tatami, I use a special tatami facing developed for allergic disposition, also for the edging"TATAMI BERI" I use a polyester thread.

   ◎ A characteristic
  There is a superior characteristic which makes it hardened to dirt or water mites or mold
  which does not change the color in the tatami.
  A process in the finished weaving with a high quality Japanese pap
  ◎Care method
  Liquid spills wipe of promptly with a clean dry cloth. Don't rub strongly with a wet cloth.

           『鬼 塾』の鍾馗さん関連商品



〜 鍾馗 〜

唐の開元年中、玄宗皇帝熱病に臥せたまいし時、夢の中に「虚」「耗」と名のる小鬼二匹出てきて、楊貴妃の繍香袋と玉笛を盗み去らんとす。帝、大声にて人を呼びたまえるに、突如、破帽、藍枹、ひげ面の男があらわれ、小鬼の目をくじり躰をやぶりてこれを捨つ。 帝、驚きて名を問いたまえば「巨は終南山の鍾馗なり、我六たび科挙に応じ、六たび成らず。 恥じて自ら生命を断つに、かたじけなくも帝より藍枹をたまわり手厚く葬られし御恩を報ぜんがため、かくあらわれたり」と答う。 帝、夢より覚めたまえば病即ちに癒えたり。 後に呉れ道玄なる画家を召して、この鍾馗の姿を描かせたまいしと伝々…             参考文献:「洛中洛外の鍾馗」服部正実








                     SHOUKI GOODS
“SHO-KI” Household Guardians

A Chinese legend has it that when a Dynasty emperor was sick he had a fever dream in which he was attacked by demons and SHOKI appeared and ate them.

When the Emperor woke up he was cured so he instructed artists to paint the SHOKI figures as he remembered them.

According to this old Chinese legend, people have believed in Sho-Ki as a god who keeps disease and misfortune away from their home. 

Goblin-figuredroof tiles, known asOni-gawaraoften found on Japanese temple roofs, are also believed to dispel evils away. Kyoto has many temples carrying the Oni-gawara that the evils have no place to settle in those temples.   

To protect people houses from the dispelled evils, most people in Kyoto used to put a Sho-Ki statue on their roof, because the god Sho-Ki was believed to be much stronger than the goblins that protected the temples.  Sho-Ki statues became quite familiar to people in Kyoto, and since then, they have been called Sho-Ki-san (Our Sho-Ki)”Now a days Kyoto has an increasing number of modern apartment buildings among the traditional houses, where your chance to finding Sho-Ki is getting shorter and shorter.  However, a lot of Sho-Ki statue are still waiting to be found on the street side of the traditional house roofs.

You could find a variety of characteristic appearances in Sho-Ki on taking a walk in Kyoto, and then you will know that this is the most wonderful way to enjoy walking in Kyoto.