〜 瓦 〜
良質の粘土を成型し焼成した屋根葺き材の事。 主な生産地は愛知県、兵庫県、島根県など。
日本最古の瓦は飛鳥時代のものが出土されており その後、奈良、平安時代の寺院増加に伴い各種多様の瓦が生産され京都の豪族や民家にも普及したとされる。


〜 Kawara Tile 〜
Molded from high quality clay then fired. Main production areas are Aichi, Hyogo and Shimane prefectures of Japan
Kawara was introduced along with Buddhism ,from Korea in the 6th century.
The oldest tiles of this era have been found at Asuka,Nara.
Ridge end tiles and symbols is DOMEN(angry face of a Buddhist image)to protect against malarial air from entering.
Fire,waves,fish,cranes and tortoise, for health and longevity of life.
Nowadays with the decline of traditional housing, kawara is being used as an art object either inside or
outside of the home following the traditional faith and the belief of the latent power in kawara.